Security Assessment Laboratory activated
IPS S.p.A.

IPS has launched its Security Assessment Lab (LVS) in compliance with the latest “Common Criteria” and “NIST” policies of the National Cyber Security Perimeter in terms of cyber resilience.
This new reality highly contributes to elevating the quality of the company's products, services, and internal processes, following all international standards.
Lab's mission is to provide system security assessment capabilities to the Italian Cybersecurity Authority (ACN), to grant an important role of Italy in the product security certification chain, over all member countries of the ISO 15408:2022 standard.
IPS’ lab satisfies the following requirements:
This new reality highly contributes to elevating the quality of the company's products, services, and internal processes, following all international standards.
Lab's mission is to provide system security assessment capabilities to the Italian Cybersecurity Authority (ACN), to grant an important role of Italy in the product security certification chain, over all member countries of the ISO 15408:2022 standard.
"This achievement represents the first milestone of a long-term strategy that will place IPS as a leading national player, concentrating on a single reality technological capabilities, strong processes, and very high personnel skills to contribute to the growth of the National Sovereignty in Cyber Security and Cyber Intelligence. The new Unit will also be an asset to support Judicial Authorities to address the growing needs in the fight against cyber crimes" says Eng. Fabio Romani, CEO of IPS.
IPS’ lab satisfies the following requirements:
- Ability to ensure impartiality, independence, confidentiality, and objectivity, which are the pillars of the evaluation process;
- Dedicated on-premises facilities to run assessments for security purposes in the IT domain;
- Compliance with mandatory security and quality policies of the evaluation process;
- Top skills personnel registered into the ACN’ lists;
- UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 and UNI CEI EN 45011 compliant.
- Evaluations of products/systems or protection profiles according to the National Scheme under the control of the Certification Authority;
- Customer support for:
- Safety documentation production for evaluation preparation;
- Estimation of the Security Target (TdS), Object of Evaluation (OdV) or Protection Profile;
- Certificates management;
- Cyber security training focused on Security Assessment techniques.